The Swedish Academy of Realist Art

SARA provides the highest level of training in realistic drawing and painting using traditional techniques and methods of the Renaissance, 18th and 19th-century European academies, as well as highly effective, self-developed teaching methods. Above all else, SARA values working only from life and the imagination in the pursuit of Beauty and meaningful art, proudly embracing highly skilled, hand-craftsmanship in an ever increasingly digital and AI driven world.

This is Sara

'After only two years of fine art training I am becoming that realistic fine artist that before never seemed possible. The art program is a very challenging one but the rewards are certainly worth the effort. I can’t wait to see what my third year training will produce on my quest to being that artist that once was only a dream.'

William Brown, USA

History and tradition with both feet in the 21st century

'Conventional fine art schools (...) have moved farther and farther away from teaching the fundamental, practical skills, which are vital to artists who want to create the kind of work we need for our business. Fortunately, there are a small number of specialized schools around the world that do teach these skills to their students, such as The Swedish Academy of Realist Art.'

Richard Taylor, Creative Director Weta Workshop, co-founder and co-director of the Weta Companies (working with films such as the Lord of the Rings, King Kong and Avatar)

Beautiful, inspiring and positive environment.

‘Studying at SARA has provided me with the environment and resources to make major improvements in my understanding of drawing and painting fundamentals which I can use as tools to benefit my own personal artistic goals. The atmosphere round the school is lighthearted and friendly yet hard working and it is a pleasure to work here every day!’

Miles Johnston, student (now SARA alumni and instructor), UK

‘Every artist is first an amateur’ R. W. Emerson


The effectiveness of a school’s training is best illustrated by the progress its students make, not necessarily in the quality of their finest work. The degree of progress students achieve at SARA varies, naturally, from one student to another, but all students experience significant growth and advancement.

Working from life and the imagination